5 Item Bundle Deal (choose from options)

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Choose any four (4) items + 2 oz Baked Treat bag for your canine companion(s) from the following choices:

• 2 Bully Sticks (6″), Dehydrated Chews

• 2 Tracheas (3″), Dehydrated Chews

• Baked Biscuits Treat Bag (4 oz) – choose from variety of flavors

PLUS: 1 Baked Biscuits Treat Bag (2 oz) – choose from variety of flavors

You can mix and match your selections.

Every product is 100% all-natural, locally-sourced, human-grade and fresh.

All our pet food products are prepared on shared equipment that uses peanut oil and peanuts.

Additional information

Weight 30 oz
Dog Treat 1

2 Bully Sticks, 2 Tracheas, Bacon Breakfast, Chicken Pot Pie, Going Bananas, PB and J Sandwich, Pumpkin Pie, Pupperoni Pizza, Texas BarkBQ

Dog Treat 2

2 Bully Sticks, 2 Tracheas, Bacon Breakfast, Chicken Pot Pie, Going Bananas, PB and J Sandwich, Pumpkin Pie, Pupperoni Pizza, Texas BarkBQ

Dog Treat 3

2 Bully Sticks, 2 Tacheas, Bacon Breakfast, Chicken Pot Pie, Going Bananas, PB and J Sandwich, Pumpkin Pie, Pupperoni Pizza, Texas BarkBQ

Dog Treat 4

2 Bully Sticks, 2 Tracheas, Bacon Breakfast, Chicken Pot Pie, Going Bananas, PB and J Sandwich, Pumpkin Pie, Pupperoni Pizza, Texas BarkBQ

2 oz Bag Flavor

Bacon Breakfast, Chicken Pot Pie, PB and J Sandwich, Pumpkin Pie, Pupperoni Pizza, Texas BarkBQ